002 * Copyright (c) 2017 Pablo Pavon Marino and others.
003 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
004 * are made available under the terms of the 2-clause BSD License 
005 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
006 * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
007 *
008 * Contributors:
009 *     Pablo Pavon Marino and others - initial API and implementation
010 *******************************************************************************/
014package com.net2plan.examples.ocnbook.offline;
016import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleFactory2D;
017import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleMatrix1D;
018import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleMatrix2D;
019import cern.jet.math.tdouble.DoubleFunctions;
020import com.jom.OptimizationProblem;
021import com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.*;
022import com.net2plan.libraries.NetworkPerformanceMetrics;
023import com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils;
024import com.net2plan.utils.Constants.RoutingType;
025import com.net2plan.utils.InputParameter;
026import com.net2plan.utils.Triple;
028import java.util.List;
029import java.util.Map;
032 * Jointly optimizes the demand injected traffic (congestion control) and link transmission powers ina wireless network, solving a NUM formulation. 
033 * @net2plan.description
034 * @net2plan.keywords Capacity assignment (CA), Transmission power optimization, JOM, NUM, Wireless 
035 * @net2plan.ocnbooksections Section 11.5, Section 5.5, Section 6.2
036 * @net2plan.inputParameters 
037 * @author Pablo Pavon-Marino
038 */
039public class Offline_cba_wirelessCongControlTransmissionPowerAssignment implements IAlgorithm
041        private double PRECISIONFACTOR;
043        private InputParameter solverName = new InputParameter ("solverName", "#select# ipopt", "The solver name to be used by JOM. ");
044        private InputParameter solverLibraryName = new InputParameter ("solverLibraryName", "" , "The solver library full or relative path, to be used by JOM. Leave blank to use JOM default.");
045        private InputParameter maxSolverTimeInSeconds = new InputParameter ("maxSolverTimeInSeconds", (double) -1 , "Maximum time granted to the solver to solve the problem. If this time expires, the solver returns the best solution found so far (if a feasible solution is found)");
046        private InputParameter mac_pathLossExponent = new InputParameter ("mac_pathLossExponent", 3.0 , "Exponent in the model for propagation losses" , 0 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
047        private InputParameter mac_worseRiseOverThermal_nu = new InputParameter ("mac_worseRiseOverThermal_nu", 10.0 , "Worse case ratio between interference power and thermal power at any receiver. Used to set the common thermal power in the receivers" , 0 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
048        private InputParameter mac_interferenceAttenuationFactor_nu = new InputParameter ("mac_interferenceAttenuationFactor_nu", 1.0e6 , "The interference power received in natural units is divided by this to reduce its effect" , 1 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
049        private InputParameter mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu = new InputParameter ("mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu", 3.0 , "The maximum link transmission power in logarithmic units (e.g. dBm)");
050        private InputParameter mac_minTransmissionPower_logu = new InputParameter ("mac_minTransmissionPower_logu", 0.0 , "The minimum link transmission power in logarithmic units (e.g. dBm)");
051        private InputParameter cc_minHd = new InputParameter ("cc_minHd", 0.1 , "Minimum traffic assigned to each demand" , 0 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
052        private InputParameter cc_maxHd = new InputParameter ("cc_maxHd", 1.0E6 , "Maximum traffic assigned to each demand" , 0 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
053        private InputParameter cc_fairnessFactor = new InputParameter ("cc_fairnessFactor", 1.0 , "Fairness factor in utility function of congestion control" , 0 , true , Double.MAX_VALUE , true);
055        @Override
056        public String executeAlgorithm(NetPlan netPlan, Map<String, String> algorithmParameters, Map<String, String> net2planParameters)
057        {
058                /* Initialize all InputParameter objects defined in this object (this uses Java reflection) */
059                InputParameter.initializeAllInputParameterFieldsOfObject(this, algorithmParameters);
060                final int E = netPlan.getNumberOfLinks();
061                if (E == 0) throw new Net2PlanException ("The input topology has no links");
063                this.PRECISIONFACTOR = Double.parseDouble(net2planParameters.get("precisionFactor"));
065                /* Remove all demands, then create a demand per input output node pair */
066                netPlan.removeAllDemands();
067                netPlan.setRoutingTypeAllDemands(RoutingType.SOURCE_ROUTING);
068                for (Node n1 : netPlan.getNodes())
069                        for (Node n2 : netPlan.getNodes())
070                                if (n1 != n2)
071                                        netPlan.addDemand(n1, n2, cc_minHd.getDouble(), RoutingType.SOURCE_ROUTING , null);
072                netPlan.addRoutesFromCandidatePathList(netPlan.computeUnicastCandidatePathList(netPlan.getVectorLinkLengthInKm() , 1 , -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, null)); // one route per demand, so P equals D
075                /* Initialize the gains between links, normalizing them so that the maximum gain is one */
076                DoubleMatrix2D mac_g_nu_ee = WirelessUtils.computeInterferenceMatrixNaturalUnits (netPlan.getLinks () , mac_interferenceAttenuationFactor_nu.getDouble() , mac_pathLossExponent.getDouble());
077                final double maxGainValue = mac_g_nu_ee.getMaxLocation() [0];
078                mac_g_nu_ee.assign (DoubleFunctions.div(maxGainValue));
080                /* Initialize the thermal noise at the receivers, to have a worse case ROT (rise over thermal) */
081                double worseInterferenceReceivedAtMaxPower_nu = WirelessUtils.computeWorseReceiverInterferencePower_nu (mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble()  , mac_g_nu_ee);
083                /* Adjust the thermal noise in the receivers so that we have a given ROT */
084                final double mac_receptionThermalNoise_nu = worseInterferenceReceivedAtMaxPower_nu / mac_worseRiseOverThermal_nu.getDouble();
086                /* Make the formulation  */
087                final int D = netPlan.getNumberOfDemands();
089                /* Make the formulation  */
090                DoubleMatrix2D G_ee = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make (E,E);
091                DoubleMatrix2D G_eep = mac_g_nu_ee.copy ();
092                for (int e = 0; e < E ; e ++) { G_ee.set(e,e,mac_g_nu_ee.get(e,e)); G_eep.set (e,e,0); }
094                OptimizationProblem op = new OptimizationProblem();
095                op.addDecisionVariable("p_e", false , new int[] { 1 , E }, mac_minTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble() , mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble());
096                op.addDecisionVariable("h_d", false , new int[] { 1 , D }, cc_minHd.getDouble() , cc_maxHd.getDouble());
098                op.setInputParameter("b", 1-cc_fairnessFactor.getDouble());
099                op.setInputParameter("s2", mac_receptionThermalNoise_nu);
100                op.setInputParameter("G_ee", G_ee);
101                op.setInputParameter("G_eep", G_eep);
102                op.setInputParameter("R_de", netPlan.getMatrixDemand2LinkAssignment());
104                /* For the objective function we use that e^(ln(x) = x */
105                if (cc_fairnessFactor.getDouble() == 1)
106                        op.setObjectiveFunction("maximize", "sum ( ln ( h_d ))");
107                else
108                        op.setObjectiveFunction("maximize", "(1/b) * sum (   h_d^b ) ");
110                op.addConstraint("h_d * R_de <= ln (  exp(p_e)*G_ee ./ (s2 + exp(p_e)*G_eep) )" , "constr");
112                /* Call the solver to solve the problem */
113                op.solve(solverName.getString (), "solverLibraryName", solverLibraryName.getString () ,  "maxSolverTimeInSeconds" , maxSolverTimeInSeconds.getDouble ());
115                /* If no solution is found, quit */
116                if (op.feasibleSolutionDoesNotExist()) throw new Net2PlanException("The problem has no feasible solution");
117                if (op.foundUnboundedSolution()) throw new Net2PlanException ("Found an unbounded solution");
118                if (!op.solutionIsFeasible()) throw new Net2PlanException("A feasible solution was not found");
120                /* Retrieve the optimum solutions. Convert the bps into Erlangs */
121                final double optNetworkUtility = op.getOptimalCost(); // Warning: I saw in some tests, that IPOPT returned this value different to the optimum solution cost: I could not see if I did something wrong
122                DoubleMatrix1D p_e_array = op.getPrimalSolution("p_e").view1D ();
123                DoubleMatrix1D h_d_array = op.getPrimalSolution("h_d").view1D ();
124                DoubleMatrix1D pi_e_array = op.getMultipliersOfConstraint("constr").view1D ();
126                /* Update the netplan object with the resulting capacities */
127                for (Link e : netPlan.getLinks())
128                {
129                        final double sinr_e = computeSINR_e (e ,p_e_array , mac_g_nu_ee , mac_receptionThermalNoise_nu , netPlan); 
130                        e.setCapacity(Math.log(sinr_e));
131                        e.setAttribute("p_e" , "" + p_e_array.get(e.getIndex ()));
132                        e.setAttribute("pi_e" , "" + Math.abs (pi_e_array.get(e.getIndex ())));
133                }
134                /* Update the netplan object with the resulting demand offered and carried traffic */
135                for (Demand d : netPlan.getDemands())
136                {
137                        final double h_d = h_d_array.get (d.getIndex ());
138                        d.setOfferedTraffic(h_d);
139                        d.getRoutes().iterator().next().setCarriedTraffic(h_d , h_d);
140                }
142                /* Check constraints */
143                for (Link e : netPlan.getLinks ()) 
144                { 
145                        final double p_e = Double.parseDouble(e.getAttribute("p_e"));
146                        if (p_e < mac_minTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble() - 1E-3) throw new RuntimeException ("Bad");
147                        if (p_e > mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble() + 1E-3) throw new RuntimeException ("Bad");
148                        if (e.getCapacity() < e.getCarriedTraffic() - PRECISIONFACTOR) throw new RuntimeException ("Bad"); 
149                } 
151                boolean allMaxPower = true;
152                for (Link e : netPlan.getLinks())
153                        if (Math.abs(mac_maxTransmissionPower_logu.getDouble() - Double.parseDouble(e.getAttribute("p_e"))) > 1E-3) allMaxPower = false;
155                final double optimumNetUtilityFromCapacities = NetworkPerformanceMetrics.alphaUtility(netPlan.getVectorDemandOfferedTraffic() , cc_fairnessFactor.getDouble());
156                System.out.println ("Ok! Optimal net utility: " + optimumNetUtilityFromCapacities + ", from JOM output: " + optNetworkUtility + ", all links at maximum power: " + allMaxPower);
157                return "Ok! Optimal net utility: " + optimumNetUtilityFromCapacities + ", from JOM output: " + optNetworkUtility + ", all links at maximum power: " + allMaxPower;
158        }
160        @Override
161        public String getDescription()
162        {
163                return "Given a wireless network where each link capacity is determined by the link SNR (signal to noise ratio - incliding interferences), and given a set of unicast traffic demands defined in it. This algorithm first computes one shortest path route per demand, which will carry the demand traffic. Then, jointly optimizes (i) the traffic to inject by each demand, and (ii) the transmission power in the wireless links, to optimize a fair allocation of the traffic among the sources (demands). The link capacity is approximated as proportional to the logarithm of the link SNR. Initially, the input network interference matrix is normalized so that the worst case rise-over-thermal (ROT) of any link matches a given value. The solution is found solving a problem formulation with JOM.";
164        }
166        @Override
167        public List<Triple<String, String, String>> getParameters()
168        {
169                /* Returns the parameter information for all the InputParameter objects defined in this object (uses Java reflection) */
170                return InputParameter.getInformationAllInputParameterFieldsOfObject(this);
171        }
174        private double computeSINR_e (Link e , DoubleMatrix1D p_e , DoubleMatrix2D mac_g_nu_ee , double mac_receptionThermalNoise_nu , NetPlan np)
175        {
176                final double receivedPower_nu = Math.exp(p_e.get(e.getIndex ())) * mac_g_nu_ee.get(e.getIndex (),e.getIndex ());
177                double interferencePower_nu = mac_receptionThermalNoise_nu;
178                for (Link eInt : np.getLinks ())
179                        if (eInt != e) interferencePower_nu += Math.exp(p_e.get(eInt.getIndex ())) * mac_g_nu_ee.get(eInt.getIndex (),e.getIndex ());
180                return receivedPower_nu / interferencePower_nu;
181        }