Example: 'This algorithm computes the bidirectional ring which minimizes the total ring length, using a GRASP heuristic. '

Brief description

This algorithm computes the bidirectional ring which minimizes the total ring length, using a GRASP heuristic. The cost of a link equals the euclidean distance between link end nodes. The algorithm executes GRASP iterations until the maxExecTime is reached. In each GRASP iteration, a solution is first created using a greedy-randomized approach. Then, this solution is the starting point of a local search (first-fit) heuristic, where two rings are considered neighbors when they have all but 2 bidirectional links in common. The greedy randomized approach is based on the concept of restricted candidate list (RCL). The ring starts with one single node chosen randomly. In each greedy iteration one node is added to the ring, randomly chosen from a RCL created in this iteration. The RCL contains the non-visited nodes which are closer to current node. In particular, the nodes in the RCL are those which are at a distance from c_min to c_min + alpha * (c_max - c_min). c_min and c_max are the distances from last added node, to closest and furthest non-visited nodes. alpha is an algroithm parameter between 0 and 1, tuning the size of the RCL. When alpha=0, the algorithm is equal to pure greedy nearest neighbor heuristic. If alpha = 1, randomness is maximum: a non-visited node is chosen randomly.

Algorithm description table

Algorithm inputs

Requires a topology of nodes within the netPlan object.

Algorithm parameters:

  • maxExecTimeSecs: Execution time of the algorithm. The algorithm will stop after this time, returning the best solution found. Default: 10
  • alpha: Alpha factor for the greedy randomized step. Default: 0.5
  • linkCapacities: Capacities to set to the links. Default: 100
  • randomSeed: Seed for the random number genertor. Default: 1
Algorithm outputsThe topology with the same nodes, and two links (one in each direction) corresponding to the computed ring. Any previous links are removed.
Required librariesNone
KeywordsCapacity assignment (CA), Greedy-Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), Topology assignment (TA)
AuthorsPablo Pavón Mariño, José Luis Izquierdo Zaragoza
DateApril 2014