Examples involving 'Simulated annealing (SAN)'

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An example where a heuristic using a simulated annealing approach is used

Network design - Algorithms

Example nameDescription

Minimum bottleneck utilization routing using a simulated annealing heuristic

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Simulated annealing (SAN)

Given a set of nodes and links, gith their capacities, an offered traffic, and a set of admissible paths for each demand (given by the k-shortest paths in km for each demand, being k a user-defined parameter), this algorithm uses a simulated annealing metaheuristic to find the non-bifurcated routing solution that minimizes the network congestion. Two solutions are considered neighbors if they differ the routing of one demand. The number of iterations in the inner (all with the same temperature) and outer loop (decreasing the temperature) are user-defined parameters