Examples involving 'Local search (LS) heuristic'

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An example where a heuristic using a local search approach is used

Network design - Algorithms

Example nameDescription

Compute a minimum cost access-to-core network

Keywords: Capacity assignment (CA), Local search (LS) heuristic, Topology assignment (TA)

Given a set of access nodes, this algorithm computes the subset of access nodes which have a core node located next to it (in the same place), and the links access-to-core nodes, so that the network cost is minimized. This cost is given by a cost per core node (always 1) plus a cost per link, given by the product of link distance and the user-defined parameter linkCostPerKm. Access-core link capacities are fixed to the user-defined parameter linkCapacities. This problem is solved using a local-search heuristic.