Examples involving 'Greedy heuristic'

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An example where a heuristic using a greedy approach is used

Network design - Algorithms

Example nameDescription

Minimimize number of IP links so that traffic is carried using OSPF routing

Keywords: Capacity assignment (CA), Destination-based routing, Flow assignment (FA), Greedy heuristic, OSPF

This algorithm computes the number of IP links between two nodes, and the OSPF routing (with ECMP), so that all the traffic is carried, while all the links have an utilization not exceeding a given threshold (maximumUtilization). All IP links have the same given fixedOSPFWeight weight, and the same given fixedIPLinkCapacity capacity.


Computes a bidirectional ring for the network using a nearest-neighbor heuristic

Keywords: Capacity assignment (CA), Greedy heuristic, Topology assignment (TA)

Given a set of nodes, this heuristic tries to find a (possibly sub-optimal) minimum cost bidirectional ring (where the cost of a link is given by its length in km) using the nearest-neighbor greedy heuristic.