Package | Description |
com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign |
Provides a set of classes and interfaces for the network design tool.
com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation |
Provides a set of classes for the online simulator tool.
com.net2plan.libraries |
Provides a set of useful libraries to develop algorithms and reports.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MulticastDemand |
NetPlan.addMulticastDemand(Node ingressNode,
Set<Node> egressNodes,
double offeredTraffic,
Map<String,String> attributes,
NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Adds a new multicast traffic demand.
MulticastDemand |
Returns the
MulticastDemand the link is coupled to, or null if none. |
MulticastDemand |
Returns the tree associated
Multicast Demand . |
MulticastDemand |
NetPlan.getMulticastDemand(int index,
NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the multicast demand with the given index in the given layer.
MulticastDemand |
NetPlan.getMulticastDemandFromId(long uid)
Returns the multicast demand with the given unique identifier.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SortedMap<MulticastDemand,List<SortedSet<Link>>> |
NetPlan.computeMulticastCandidatePathList(DoubleMatrix1D costs,
String solverName,
String solverLibraryName,
double maxSolverTimeInSecondsPerTree,
String... candidateTreeListParamValuePairs)
The same as
computeMulticastCandidatePathList for the default layer |
SortedMap<MulticastDemand,List<SortedSet<Link>>> |
NetPlan.computeMulticastCandidatePathList(NetworkLayer layer,
DoubleMatrix1D linkCosts,
String solverName,
String solverLibraryName,
double maxSolverTimeInSecondsPerTree,
String... candidateTreeListParamValuePairs)
Adds multicast trees specified by those trees that satisfy the options described below.
Pair<SortedSet<Demand>,SortedSet<MulticastDemand>> |
NetworkLayer.getDemandsPerQosType(String qosType)
Given a Qos type, returns the uncoupled demands in this layer with that QoS type, or empty set if none.
Triple<SortedSet<Demand>,SortedSet<Demand>,SortedSet<MulticastDemand>> |
Returns the set of demands that could potentially put traffic in this link,
according to the routes/forwarding rules defined.
SortedSet<MulticastDemand> |
Node.getIncomingMulticastDemands(NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the set of multicast demands ending in the node, in the given layer.
SortedSet<MulticastDemand> |
Returns the set of multicast demands ending in the node, in any layer.
Triple<SortedMap<Demand,SortedSet<Link>>,SortedMap<Demand,SortedSet<Link>>,SortedMap<Pair<MulticastDemand,Node>,SortedSet<Link>>> |
Returns the set of links in lower layers carry the traffic that traverses this link, before and after traversing it,
according to the routes/forwarding rules defined.
Triple<SortedMap<Demand,SortedSet<Link>>,SortedMap<Demand,SortedSet<Link>>,SortedMap<Pair<MulticastDemand,Node>,SortedSet<Link>>> |
Returns the set of links in this layer (including this) that carry the traffic that traverses this link, before and after traversing it,
according to the routes/forwarding rules defined.
SortedMap<Pair<MulticastDemand,Node>,InterLayerPropagationGraph.IPGNode> |
InterLayerPropagationGraph.getmDemandAndNode2VertexMap() |
SortedSet<Pair<MulticastDemand,Node>> |
InterLayerPropagationGraph.getMulticastDemandFlowsInGraph() |
List<MulticastDemand> |
NetPlan.getMulticastDemands(NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the list of multicast demands for the given layer (i-th position, corresponds to multicast demand with index i).
List<MulticastDemand> |
NetPlan.getMulticastDemandsBlocked(NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the multicast demands that have blocked traffic in the given layer.
SortedSet<MulticastDemand> |
Node.getOutgoingMulticastDemands(NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the set of multicast demands initiated in the node, in the given layer.
SortedSet<MulticastDemand> |
Returns the set of multicast demands initiated in the node, in any layer.
SortedSet<MulticastDemand> |
NetPlan.getTaggedMulticastDemands(String tag,
NetworkLayer... optionalLayerParameter)
Returns the set of multicast demands in the given layer with the given tag.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MulticastTree |
NetPlan.addMulticastTree(MulticastDemand demand,
double carriedTraffic,
double occupiedLinkCapacity,
Set<Link> linkSet,
Map<String,String> attributes)
Adds a new traffic multicast tree.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NetPlan.addMulticastTreesFromCandidateTreeList(SortedMap<MulticastDemand,List<SortedSet<Link>>> cpl)
Adds multiple multicast trees from a Candidate Tree list.
Constructor and Description |
InterLayerPropagationGraph(SortedSet<Demand> initialDemands,
SortedSet<Link> initialLinks,
SortedSet<Pair<MulticastDemand,Node>> initialMDemands,
boolean upWards) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
MulticastDemand |
SimEvent.MulticastDemandModify.demand |
Constructor and Description |
MulticastDemandModify(MulticastDemand demand,
double offeredTraffic,
boolean modificationIsRelativeToCurrentOfferedTraffic)
Default constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SortedMap<MulticastDemand,Double> |
TrafficMatrixForecastUtils.TmEstimationResults.getEstimationMulticastDemands() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Double |
TrafficMatrixForecastUtils.TmEstimationResults.getEstimationMDemand(MulticastDemand d) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TrafficMatrixForecastUtils.TmEstimationResults |
TrafficMatrixForecastUtils.getTmEstimation_minErrorSquares(NetworkLayer layer,
Map<Link,Double> inputMonitInfo_someLinks,
Map<Demand,Double> inputMonitInfo_someDemands,
Map<MulticastDemand,Double> inputMonitInfo_someMDemands,
double coeff_preferFitRouting0PreferFitDemand1) |
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