Here you can find several released versions of Net2Plan.
Please note that these versions only allow to design networks with at most 7 nodes. A full-featured version will be released in the future.
MATLAB versions of Net2Plan are discontinued, and will not work for MATLAB R2014b or later due to the new graphics system introduced in R2014b.
Version | Release date | Notes | Installation instructions and help |
Net2Plan 0.1.8 | June 18, 2012 | | HTML, PDF |
Net2Plan 0.1.7 | June 4, 2012 | | HTML, PDF |
Net2Plan 0.1.6 | May 15, 2012 | - Fixed: Minor bugs
- Improvement: Load/save dialog remember the last used folder
- Added: More algorithms are included (new CA, CFA and FA algorithms)
Net2Plan 0.1.5 | May 11, 2012 | - Fixed: Minor bugs
- Refactoring: Node and link assignment problems are moved to a new "topology assignment" directory
- Refactoring: Algorithms ca_/fa_netMinCongestion are renamed as ca_/fa_netMinimaxUtilization
- Improvement: Algorithms and user reports can be executed from any directory
Net2Plan 0.1.4 | Apr. 18, 2012 | | HTML, PDF |
Net2Plan 0.1.3 | Apr. 12, 2012 | | HTML, PDF |
Net2Plan 0.1.2 | Mar. 28, 2012 | - Fixed: Minor bugs
- Change: A third input parameter (options) has been added to the signature of the algorithms containing Net2Plan-wide parameters. These options have a global scope to all Net2Plan modules
- Refactoring: Minor appearance changes in "Traffic generation"
- From this version, help file is also shipped in PDF
Net2Plan 0.1.1 | Mar. 16, 2012 | - Fixed: Minor bugs
- Refactoring: "Problem solver" is now "Network design"
| HTML |
Net2Plan 0.1 | Feb. 22, 2012 | | HTML