
Example: Routing minimizing maximum link utilization, using flow-link formulation


This algorithm obtains the traffic routing that minimizes the maximum link utilization, using a linear flow-link formulation

The algorithm solves the following formulation:

Decision variables:

  • lbrace x_{de}, d in D, e  in E rbrace: Fraction in [0, 1] of the traffic of demand d that traverses link e.

  • rho: Maximum utilization in the links

 min rho
 sum_{e in delta^{+}(n)} x_{de} - sum_{e in delta^{-}(n)} x_{de} = left{ begin{array}{ll} 1, & n = a(d)  -1, & n = b(d)  0, & n not = a(d), n not = b(d) end{array}right. quad forall d in D, n in N
 sum_d h_d x_{de} leq u_e rho quad forall e in E
 rho leq 1
 x_{de} geq 0 quad forall d in D, e in E

The previous formulation is a linear program respect to the decision variables, and is solved using CVX. The algorithm requires CVX solver installed and running.

Download .m file: fa_minimaxUtilization_xde.m