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Keyword: Flow assignment (FA) 
Example (offline algorithm) Description
Solves a multihour routing problem with oblivious routing (common routing in all the time intervals) using a flow-path formulation

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Flow-path formulation, JOM, Multihour optimization

Solves a general multilayer optimization problem formulation.

Keywords: Multilayer, Flow assignment (FA), Flow-link formulation, Destination-link formulation, Modular capacities

Solves several variants of multicast routing problems, with flow-path formulations

Keywords: Multicast, JOM, Flow-path formulation, Flow assignment (FA)

Solves several variants of unicast routing problems, with flow-path formulations

Keywords: JOM, Flow-path formulation, Flow assignment (FA)

Solves several variants of unicast routing problems with 1+1 protection, with flow-path formulations

Keywords: JOM, Flow-path formulation, Flow assignment (FA), Network recovery: protection

Solves several variants of multicast routing problems, with flow-link formulations

Keywords: Multicast, JOM, Flow-link formulation, Flow assignment (FA)

Solves a multihour routing problem with dynamic routing (routing may be different at different time intervals) using a flow-path formulation

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Flow-path formulation, JOM, Multihour optimization

Finds the routing and mocular capacities for a network that minimize the cost, using a dual decomposition approach The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: Capacity assignment (CA), Flow assignment (FA), Modular capacities, Dual decomposition

This algorithm gives access to several variants of full topology design problems.

Keywords: Topology assignment (TA), Capacity assignment (CA), Flow assignment (FA), Flow-link formulation, JOM

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using a tabu search heuristic The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Tabu search (TS)

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using an ant-colony optimization (ACO) heuristic.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using a local-search heuristic The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Local search (LS) heuristic

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using a GRASP heuristic The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), GRASP

Solves several variants of unicast routing problems with flow-link formulations, so that designs are fault tolerant to a set of failure states, using shared restoration

Keywords: JOM, Flow-link formulation, Flow assignment (FA), Network recovery: restoration

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using a simulated annealing (SAN) heuristic The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Simulated annealing (SAN)

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using a greedy heuristic

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Greedy heuristic

Solves several variants of unicast routing problems with 1+1 protection, with flow-link formulations

Keywords: JOM, Flow-path formulation, Flow assignment (FA), Network recovery: protection

Searches for the OSPF link weights that minimize a measure of congestion, using an evolutionary algorithm (genetic algorithm) heuristic The time evolution of different metrics can be stored in output files, for later processing.

Keywords: IP/OSPF, Flow assignment (FA), Evolutionary algorithm (EA)

This algorithm is devoted to solve the several network planning problems in an optical WDM network (fiber placement, RWA, under different recovery schemes), appearing in the case study in the book section mentioned below.

Keywords: WDM, Topology assignment (TA), Flow assignment (FA), GRASP, JOM

Solves several variants of unicast routing problems, with flow-link formulations

Keywords: JOM, Flow-link formulation, Flow assignment (FA)

Solves severals variants of routing problems in the form of destination-link formulations.

Keywords: JOM, Destination-link formulation, Flow assignment (FA)

Example (online event processor) Description
This module implements a distributed dual-decomposition-based gradient algorithm, for a coordinated adjustment of the traffic to inject by each demand (congestion control), and the routing (backpressure based) of this traffic in the network, to maximize the network utility enforcing a fair allocation of the resources.

Keywords: Bandwidth assignment (BA), Flow assignment (FA), Backpressure routing, Distributed algorithm, Dual decomposition

This module implements a distributed dual-gradient based algorithm for adapting the network routing to the one which minimizes the average number of hops, that results in a purely decentralized backpressure scheme.

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Distributed algorithm, Backpressure routing, Dual gradient algorithm

This module implements a distributed primal-decomposition-based gradient algorithm, for a coordinated adjustment of the routing in multiple domains (or cluster, or autonomous systems) in a network, so that domains do not need to exchange sensitive internal information, and minimize the average number of hops in the network.

Keywords: Multidomain network, Primal decomposition, Distributed algorithm, Flow assignment (FA), Destination-based routing, Destination-link formulation

This module implements a distributed dual-gradient based algorithm, for iteratively adapting the network routing.

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Distributed algorithm, Dual gradient algorithm

This module implements a distributed primal-gradient based algorithm, for iteratively adapting the network routing.

Keywords: Flow assignment (FA), Distributed algorithm, Primal gradient algorithm