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occupiedLinkCapacity - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.RouteAdd
occupiedLinkCapacity - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.RouteModify
of(A, B) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.Pair
This factory allows a pair to be created using inference to obtain the generic types.
of(A, B, C, D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.Quadruple
This factory allows a quadruple to be created using inference to obtain the generic types.
of(A, B, C, D, E) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.Quintuple
This factory allows a quintuple to be created using inference to obtain the generic types.
of(A, B, C) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.Triple
This factory allows a triple to be created using inference to obtain the generic types.
offeredTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.DemandAdd
offeredTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.DemandModify
offeredTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.MulticastDemandModify
ones(int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns an array filled with ones.
ones(Set<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a map filled with ones.
ones(int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns an array filled with ones.
ones(Set<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a map filled with ones.
ones(int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns an array filled with ones.
OpticalImpairmentUtils - Class in com.net2plan.libraries
opticalReachInKm - Variable in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils.ModulationFormat
Optical reach (in kilometers).
OPTICALSLOTSIZE_GHZ - Static variable in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WNetConstants
The optical slot size in GHz
OpticalSpectrumManager - Class in com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel
This class is used to account for the occupation of the optical spectrum in the network.
originNode - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.LinkAdd
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