- calculateIGPCost(DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.IPUtils
Returns the cost of a routing scheme according to the carried traffic per
link and link capacities, assuming the IGP-WO cost model.
- capacity - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.LinkAdd
- carriedTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.RouteAdd
- carriedTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent.RouteModify
- carriedTraffic - Variable in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils.LightpathModify
The new carried traffic of the lightpath
- ceil(double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Rounds up each element of a given double
- CENTRALFREQUENCYOFOPTICALSLOTZERO_THZ - Static variable in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WNetConstants
The central frequency of optical slot 0.
- check(SortedMap<String, String>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Configuration
Checks the given options for validity.
- checkAttachedToNetPlanObject() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetworkElement
Checks whether this element (demand, node, route...) is attached to a netPlan object.
- checkAttachedToNetPlanObject(NetPlan) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetworkElement
Checks whether this element (demand, node, route...) was not already removed from the NetPlan
- checkCachesConsistency() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
For debug purposes: Checks the consistency of the internal cache (nodes, srgs, resources, layers, links, demands, multicast demands, multicast trees, routes).
- checkContiguousPath(List<Link>, NetworkLayer, Node, Node) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Checks that the input sequence of links belong to the same layer and follow a contiguous path.
- checkFrequencySlotConversionOccupiesARegenerator() - Method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils.RSA
Checks that in every node where the frequency slots of the RSA change, a regenerator is placed (if not, an exception is raised).
- checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Checks if the given layer is valid and belongs to this NetPlan
- checkMatrixDemandLinkCarriedTrafficFlowConservationConstraints(DoubleMatrix2D, boolean, NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Checks the flow conservation constraints, and returns the traffic carried per demand.
- checkMatrixDestinationLinkCarriedTrafficFlowConservationConstraints(DoubleMatrix2D, NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Checks the flow conservation constraints, and returns the traffic carried per input output node pair.
- checkNetworkSlotOccupation() - Method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.OpticalSpectrumManager
Checks if the optical slot occupation --
- checkNetworkState(NetPlan, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.NetworkPerformanceMetrics
Checks the current network state and, maybe, returns some warnings about
link oversubscription, demand blocking, and so on.
- checkResourceAllocationClashing(NetPlan, boolean, boolean, NetworkLayer...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Checks resource clashing: no frequency slot in the same fiber can be occupied by more than one lightpath, nor
any slot of an index higher than the fiber capacity can be occupied.
- checkRouteContinuity(List<Link>, Constants.CheckRoutingCycleType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Checks for validity of a given path (continuity and, optionally, no loops).
- checkRoutingType(Constants.RoutingType) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Checks whether routing type is the expected one.
- checkTrafficMatrix(DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficMatrixGenerationModels
Checks whether the input traffic matrix is valid: non-negative square matrix with zero diagonal.
- ClassLoaderUtils - Class in com.net2plan.utils
Class to deal with dynamic Java class loading from .class/.jar files.
- ClosedCycleRoutingException() - Constructor for exception com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.ClosedCycleRoutingException
Default constructor.
- ClosedCycleRoutingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.ClosedCycleRoutingException
Constructs a new Net2PlanException
exception with the specified detail message.
- collectionToString(Collection) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.StringUtils
Outputs entries from a Collection
to a String
- collectionToString(Collection, String) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.StringUtils
Outputs entries from a Collection
to a String
- CollectionUtils - Class in com.net2plan.utils
Provides extra functionality for the Java Collections Framework.
- com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign - package com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign
Provides a set of classes and interfaces for the network design tool.
- com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.dynamicSrgs - package com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.dynamicSrgs
- com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation - package com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation
Provides a set of classes for the online simulator tool.
- com.net2plan.libraries - package com.net2plan.libraries
Provides a set of useful libraries to develop algorithms and reports.
- com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel - package com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel
- com.net2plan.utils - package com.net2plan.utils
General utility static methods.
- compareTo(InterLayerPropagationGraph.IPGNode) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.InterLayerPropagationGraph.IPGNode
- compareTo(NetworkElement) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetworkElement
- compareTo(SimEvent) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.SimEvent
- compareTo(WAbstractNetworkElement) - Method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WAbstractNetworkElement
- compareTo(WVnfType) - Method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WVnfType
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.net2plan.utils.Pair
- computeAvailableSpectrumVoids(TreeSet<Integer>, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Computes the list of spectral voids (list of available contiguous slots)
from a slot availability vector (of a fiber or of a path).
- computeCarriedTrafficFromIGPWeights(NetPlan, DoubleMatrix1D, NetworkLayer...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.IPUtils
Computes the resulting carried traffic according to a link weight setting
and OSPF/ECMP routing.
- computeECMPForwardinRules(List<Node>, List<Link>, List<Demand>, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.IPUtils
Computes the forwarding rules according to an OSPF/ECMP scheme, for the given demands.
- computeECMPRoutingTableMatrix_fte(List<Node>, List<Link>, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.IPUtils
Computes the routing table matrix according to an OSPF/ECMP scheme.
- computeEuclideanDistance(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Computes the Euclidean distance between two points.
- computeHaversineDistanceInKm(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Computes the Haversine distance between two points, that is, the shortest distance over the Earth's surface.
- computeImpairments(List<Quadruple<Double, String, Double, String>>, Map<String, double[]>, Map<String, Map<String, Double>>, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double, double, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.OpticalImpairmentUtils
Computes OSNRs and power per channel with the GN formula and PMD according to Net2Plan calculations.
- computeInterferenceMap(List<Node>, List<Link>, boolean) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Given a wireless network where a node cannot simultanously receive signals from two different nodes (or a collision would be produced and no signal is correctly received), this function computes the cases in which a node transmission interferes with a link reception,
and returns this information in several structures.
- computeInterferenceMatrixNaturalUnits(List<Link>, double, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Computes the interference matrix in a network subject to soft interferences: a matrix with as many rows and columns as links, with the gain in natural units of the signal from origin of e1 to destination of e2.
- computeLinkReceivedInterferenceAtMaxPower_nu(int, double, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Returns the maximum possible interference power in natural (linear) units a link can receive, if the rest of the links transmit at its maximum power at the same time.
- computeMatricesCAGR(DoubleMatrix2D, double, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficMatrixGenerationModels
Computes a set of matrices from a seminal one, using a traffic forecast
based on the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) concept.
- computeMatricesRandomGaussianVariation(DoubleMatrix2D, double, double, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficMatrixGenerationModels
Computes a set of matrices from a seminal one, using a random Gaussian distribution.
- computeMatricesRandomUniformVariation(DoubleMatrix2D, double, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficMatrixGenerationModels
Computes a set of matrices from a seminal one, using a random uniform distribution.
- computeMaximumRequests(List<Pair<Integer, Integer>>, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Computes the maximum number of requests (each one of the same given number of frequency slots) which
can be simultaneously allocated in the given set of spectrum voids.
- computeMinimumCostMulticastTrees(double[]) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.MulticastDemand
Returns the multicast tree of this demand with lowest cost (and its cost), using the cost per link array provided.
- computeMinimumCostServiceChains(double[], double[]) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Returns the set of demand service chains with shortest cost, using the cost per link and cost per resources arrays provided.
- computeModulationFormat(double, Set<WDMUtils.ModulationFormat>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Returns the modulation format among the ones given, (i) with the maximum spectral efficiency, (ii) but with enough optical reach for the given path length.
- computeModulationFormat(List<Link>, Set<WDMUtils.ModulationFormat>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
The same as computeModulationFormat(lengthKm, availableModulationFormats)
, where lengthKm
is the length in km of the input path.
- computeModulationFormatPerPath(Map<Pair<Node, Node>, List<List<Link>>>, Set<WDMUtils.ModulationFormat>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Returns the modulation format with the maximum spectral efficiency, while
the optical reach constraint is fulfilled, for each path in the list of candidate paths (cpl
- computeMulticastCandidatePathList(DoubleMatrix1D, String, String, double, String...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
The same as computeMulticastCandidatePathList
for the default layer
- computeMulticastCandidatePathList(NetworkLayer, DoubleMatrix1D, String, String, double, String...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Adds multicast trees specified by those trees that satisfy the options described below.
- computeMulticastTreeCostVector(double[], NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Returns an array with the cost of each multicast tree in the layer.
- computeNumberOfSlots(double, double, double, WDMUtils.ModulationFormat) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Computes the number of frequency slots required for a lightpath that needs a given amount of Gbps, using a certain modulation (defining the Gbps/GHz spectral efficiency),
and that requires a given minimum guard band in GHz (this guard band is assumed to be the sum of the two guard bands at upper and lower side of the band)
- computePathSlotOccupancy(List<Link>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Computes the slot availability vector of a path, represented by a sequence
of fibers, where each position indicates whether or not its corresponding
frequency slot is available along the path.
- computeRegeneratorPositions(List<Link>, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Returns the list of nodes within the lightpath route containing a regenerator,
only following a distance criterium, assuming no wavelength conversion is required.
- computeRegeneratorPositions(List<Link>, DoubleMatrix2D, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WDMUtils
Returns the list of nodes within the lightpath route containing a regenerator,
only following a distance criterium.
- computeRoadDistanceInKm(double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Applies a correction to a given airline distance (i.e.
- computeRouteCostVector(double[], NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Returns an array with the cost of each route in the layer.
- computeRoutingFundamentalVector(SortedMap<Link, Double>, SortedMap<Node, SortedSet<Link>>, Node, Node) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Computes the row of the fundamental matrix of the absorbing Markov chain in the current hop-by-hop routing, for the
given ingress node.
- computeSchedulingMatrix(List<Link>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Given a wireless network where a node cannot simultanously receive signals from two different nodes (or a collision would be produced and no signal is correctly received),
and cannot transmit and receive at the same time, this function computes the scheduling matrix, with one row per link, and one column for each VALID schedule:
in a valid schedule, all the links active (with a 1 in the associated row) could simultaneously transmit with no collision.
- computeShortestPathRoutes(double[]) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Returns the set of demand routes with shortest path (and its cost), using the cost per link array provided.
- computeSINRLink(int, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix2D, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Computes the Signal to Noise Ratio for the given wireless link.
- computeStateProbabilities(DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.SRGUtils
Computes the probability to find the network on each failure state.
- computeUnicastCandidate11PathList(Map<Pair<Node, Node>, List<List<Link>>>, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Computes a list of disjoint path pairs for each node pair, using the paths in the input candidate path list given.
- computeUnicastCandidate11ServiceChainList(SortedMap<Demand, List<List<NetworkElement>>>, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Computes a list of disjoint service chain pairs for each demand (service chain requests), using the service chain paths in the input
candidate path list given.
- computeUnicastCandidatePathList(DoubleMatrix1D, int, double, int, double, double, double, double, SortedSet<Pair<Node, Node>>, NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Computes for all the node pairs, a candidate path list in the given layer, composed of the k shortest paths according with the options indicated below.
- computeUnicastCandidateServiceChainList(DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D, int, double, double, int, double, NetworkLayer...) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Computes for each demand (service chain request) up to k minimum cost service chain paths (sequence and links and resources), according to
the link and resources cost information provided, as well as other constraints defined in the input parameters.
- computeWorseReceiverInterferencePower_nu(double, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.WirelessUtils
Compute the highest received interference power that a node in the network receives, when all the links are simultaneously transmitting at its maximum power
- computeWorstCasePropagationDelayAndLengthInKmMsForLoopLess(SortedMap<Link, Double>, SortedMap<Node, SortedSet<Link>>, Node, Node) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Computes the worst case propagation delay in ms for the given forwarding rules, from the ingress to the
egress node (assuming there is traffic between the end nodes).
- concatenate(double[]...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Concatenates a series of arrays.
- concatenate(int[]...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Concatenates a series of arrays.
- concatenate(long[]...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Concatenates a series of arrays.
- Configuration - Class in com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign
Class containing current Net2Plan-wide options, and methods to work with them.
- Configuration() - Constructor for class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Configuration
- configureCloseDialogOnEscape(JDialog) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.SwingUtils
Configures a JDialog
to be closed when ESC
key is pressed.
- configureLinkCostMap(Map<Link, Double>) - Method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphTheoryMetrics
Re-configures link cost setting.
- configureSRGs(NetPlan, double, double, SRGUtils.SharedRiskModel, boolean, NetworkLayer...) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.SRGUtils
Configures the SRGs into the network design at the given layer.
- constant_c - Static variable in class com.net2plan.libraries.OpticalImpairmentUtils
speed of light in m/s
- constant_h - Static variable in class com.net2plan.libraries.OpticalImpairmentUtils
Plank constant in m^2 kg/sec
- constantArray(int, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns an array filled with a given value.
- constantArray(int, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns an array filled with a given value.
- constantArray(int, long) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns an array filled with a given value.
- constantMap(Set<A>, boolean) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.BooleanUtils
Returns a map filled with a given value.
- constantMap(Set<A>, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a map filled with a given value.
- constantMap(Set<A>, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a map filled with a given value.
- constantMap(Set<A>, long) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns a map filled with a given value.
- Constants - Class in com.net2plan.utils
Auxiliary class with several application-wide constants.
- Constants.CheckRoutingCycleType - Enum in com.net2plan.utils
Indicates whether (and how) or not to check routing cycles.
- Constants.OrderingType - Enum in com.net2plan.utils
Constants for choosing the ordering type.
- Constants.RoutingCycleType - Enum in com.net2plan.utils
Types of routing cycles.
- Constants.RoutingType - Enum in com.net2plan.utils
Routing type determining how to get (or send traffic) from a node to another one.
- Constants.SearchType - Enum in com.net2plan.utils
Constants for search methods.
- constantTrafficMatrix(int, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficMatrixGenerationModels
Generates a constant traffic matrix.
- contains(Collection<A>, A) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Checks if an input collection contains a given value.
- contains(double[], double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Checks if an input array contains a given value
- contains(int[], int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Checks if an input array contains a given value
- contains(long[], long) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Checks if an input array contains a given value
- containsAll(Collection<A>, Collection<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Checks whether all elements of a collection are present in another one.
- containsAll(double[], double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Checks if an array contains all numbers from another one.
- containsAll(int[], int[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Checks if an array contains all numbers from another one.
- containsAll(long[], long[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Checks if an array contains all numbers from another one.
- containsAny(Collection<A>, Collection<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Checks whether any element of a collection is present in another one.
- containsAny(double[], double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Checks whether any element of an array is present in another one.
- containsAny(int[], int[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Checks whether any element of an array is present in another one.
- containsAny(long[], long[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Checks whether any element of an array is present in another one.
- convert_fde2xde(int, List<Link>, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a forwarding rule mapping (fractions of traffic entering a node from demand 'd', leaving that node through link 'e'), and an offered traffic to the network,
it generates the resulting demand-link routing in the form x_de (amount of traffic from demand d, transmitted through link e).
- convert_fte2fde(int, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a destination-based routing in the form f_te (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links), it generates the resulting demand-link routing in the form f_de (fractions of traffic in a node from demand d, transmitted through link e).
- convert_fte2xde(int, int, List<Link>, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a destination-based routing in the form f_te (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links), and an offered traffic to the network, it generates the resulting demand-link routing in the form x_de (amount of traffic from demand d, transmitted through link e).
- convert_fte2xp(List<Node>, List<Link>, int, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix2D, List<Demand>, List<Double>, List<List<Link>>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a destination-based routing in the form f_te (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its
output links), and an offered traffic to the network, it generates the resulting set of paths that are produced.
- convert_fte2xte(List<Node>, List<Link>, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a destination-based routing in the form f_te (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links), and an offered traffic to the network, it generates the resulting destination-based routing in the form x_te (amount of traffic targeted to node t, transmitted through link e).
- convert_xde2fde(List<Link>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a demand-link routing in the form x_de (amount of traffic from demand d, transmitted through link e), returns the equivalent forwarding rule mapping (fractions of traffic entering a node from demand 'd', leaving that node through link 'e').
- convert_xde2xp(List<Node>, List<Link>, Set<Demand>, DoubleMatrix2D, List<Demand>, List<Double>, List<List<Link>>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Converts the routing in the form x_de into a set of loopless routes, just for the indicated demands.
- convert_xde2xte(int, SortedSet<Demand>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a demand-link routing in the form x_de (amount of traffic from demand d, transmitted through link e), returns the equivalent forwarding rule mapping (fractions of traffic entering a node from demand 'd', leaving that node through link 'e').
- convert_xde2ye(DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Returns the carried traffic per link.
- convert_xp2fdeMap(Collection<Route>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a path-based routing, returns the forwarding rules map: fraction of traffic for each demand incoming to the link
initial node (or produced in it) forwarded to the link.
- convert_xp2fte(List<Node>, List<Link>, List<Demand>, List<Route>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a set of traffic routes and their carried traffic returns a destination-based routing in the form fte (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links).
- convert_xp2xde(int, int, List<Route>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a path-based routing, returns the amount of traffic for each demand d traversing each link e.
- convert_xp2xte(List<Node>, List<Link>, List<Demand>, List<Route>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a set of traffic routes and their carried traffic returns a destination-based routing in the form x_te (amount of traffic targeted to node t, transmitted through link e).
- convert_xp2ye(List<Link>, List<Route>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Returns the carried traffic per link.
- convert_xte2fte(List<Node>, List<Link>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Given a destination-based routing in the form of an array x_te (amount of traffic targeted to node t, transmitted through link e), it returns the associated destination-based routing in the form of fractions f_te (fraction of the traffic targeted to node t that arrives (or is generated in) node a(e) (the initial node of link e), that is forwarded through link e).
- convert_xte2ye(DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Returns the carried traffic per link.
- convertArray2Map(Set<A>, boolean[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.BooleanUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier with its corresponding
value within the array (in linear order).
- convertArray2Map(Set<A>, double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier with its corresponding
value within the array (in linear order).
- convertArray2Map(Set<A>, int[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier with its corresponding
value within the array (in linear order).
- convertArray2Map(Set<A>, long[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier with its corresponding
value within the array (in linear order).
- convertId2LinearIndexMap(Set<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each element with its corresponding
position within the set (in linear order).
- convertMatrix2Map(Set<A>, Set<B>, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier pair with its corresponding
value within the table (in linear order).
- convertPath2PathCost(List<Link>, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Returns the total cost for a given path, which is equal to the sum of the cost of each traversed link.
- convertPathList2PathCost(List<List<Link>>, DoubleMatrix1D) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Returns the total cost for a given a list of paths.
- convertSequenceOfLinksToSequenceOfNodes(List<Link>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils
Converts a given sequence of links to the corresponding sequence of nodes.
- convertTable2Map(Set<A>, Set<B>, boolean[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.BooleanUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier pair with its corresponding
value within the table (in linear order).
- convertTable2Map(Set<A>, Set<B>, double[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier pair with its corresponding
value within the table (in linear order).
- convertTable2Map(Set<A>, Set<B>, int[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier pair with its corresponding
value within the table (in linear order).
- convertTable2Map(Set<A>, Set<B>, long[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns a map containing the association of each identifier pair with its corresponding
value within the table (in linear order).
- copy() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Returns a deep copy of the current design.
- copy(double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copy(double[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copy(int[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copy(int[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copy(long[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copy(long[][]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns a deep copy of the input array
- copyFrom(NetPlan) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.NetPlan
Removes all information from the current NetPlan
and copy the information from the input NetPlan
- count(Collection<A>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Returns a map where each entry represents the number of times that the
corresponding key appears in the input collection.
- couple(Set<Link>) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.MulticastDemand
Couples this demand to the given
in the upper layer.
- coupleToIpLink(WIpLink) - Method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WLightpathRequest
Couples this lightpath request to an IP link
- coupleToLightpathRequest(WLightpathRequest) - Method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WIpLink
Couples this IP link to the provided lightpath request.
- coupleToLowerLayerDemand(Demand) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Link
Couples the link to a unicast
in the lower layer.
- coupleToNewDemandCreated(NetworkLayer, Constants.RoutingType) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Link
Creates a new
in the given layer, with same end nodes as the link, and then couples the link to the new created demand.
- coupleToNewLinkCreated(NetworkLayer) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Creates a new link in the given layer with same end nodes, and couples it to this demand.
- coupleToNewLinksCreated(NetworkLayer) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.MulticastDemand
Creates new links in the given layer, from the demand ingress node to each one of the demand egress nodes, and couples these newly created links to the multicast demand.
- coupleToUpperOrSameLayerLink(Link) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Couples this demand to a link in an upper layer.
- createBidirectionalOppositePair() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Route
Creates a route in the opposite direction as this, and associate both as bidirectional pairs.
- createBidirectionalPair() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Demand
Creates a demand in the opposite direction as this, and with the same attributes, and associate both as bidirectional pairs.
- createBidirectionalPair() - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.Link
Creates a link in the opposite direction as this, and with the same attributes, and associate both as bidirectional pairs.
- createCircle(int, Color) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.ImageUtils
Creates an image of a filled circle of the given color, the rest is transparent
- createEmptyDesign() - Static method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.WNet
Creates an empty design with no nodes, links etc.
- createEscapedString_asStringList(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.StringUtils
- createFromRegularLps(WNet) - Static method in class com.net2plan.research.niw.networkModel.OpticalSpectrumManager
Creates this object, asociated to a given network
- createFromStringList(List<String>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficSeries
- createFromValuesAndInterval(Date, long, double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.TrafficSeries
- createImage(Graph<V, E>, Transformer<V, Point2D>, int, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.JUNGUtils
Creates an image of the network topology.
- createImageFromShape(Shape) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.ImageUtils
Creates an image from the given shape
- createMapFromInputParameters(InputParameter[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.InputParameter