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filterGraph(Graph<V, E>, Collection<V>, Collection<V>, Collection<E>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.JUNGUtils
Filters a graph maintaining/removing some vertices/edges.
filterGraph(Graph<V, E>, Transformer<E, Double>, Transformer<E, Double>, double) - Static method in class com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.JUNGUtils
Filters a graph removing those edges whose weight is equal to Double.MAX_VALUE, or whose capacity is below a certain threshold.
find(boolean[], boolean, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.BooleanUtils
Returns the position(s) where a given value can be found into an array.
find(Map<A, B>, B, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils
Returns the key(s) where a given value can be found into a map.
find(double[], double, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Returns the position(s) where a given value can be found into an array.
find(int[], int, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.IntUtils
Returns the position(s) where a given value can be found into an array.
find(long[], long, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.LongUtils
Returns the position(s) where a given value can be found into an array.
find(String[], String, Constants.SearchType) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.StringUtils
Returns the position(s) where a given value can be found into an array.
finish(StringBuilder, double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.ICombinedEventGenerator
finish(StringBuilder, double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.ICombinedEventProcessor
finish(StringBuilder, double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.IEventGenerator
Returns an algorithm-specific report.
finish(StringBuilder, double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.IEventProcessor
Returns an algorithm-specific report.
finishTransitory(double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.ICombinedEventGenerator
finishTransitory(double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.ICombinedEventProcessor
finishTransitory(double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.IEventGenerator
Performs some transitory-finished action.
finishTransitory(double) - Method in class com.net2plan.interfaces.simulation.IEventProcessor
Performs some transitory-finished action.
floor(double[]) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Rounds down each element of a given double array.
formatAndRemoveTrailingZeros(double, int) - Static method in class com.net2plan.utils.DoubleUtils
Converts a double to String (using '%f' modifier) and remove trailing zeros.
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