Parallel Colt 0.10.1
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UNDERFLOW - Static variable in interface hep.aida.tdouble.DoubleIHistogram
Constant specifying the underflow bin (can be passed to any method expecting a bin number).
UNDERFLOW - Static variable in interface hep.aida.tfloat.FloatIHistogram
Constant specifying the underflow bin (can be passed to any method expecting a bin number).
unflatten(DoubleMatrix1D, boolean) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.Utils
Creates a 2-dimensional copy of the given matrix
unflatten(DComplexMatrix1D, boolean) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.Utils
Creates a 2-dimensional copy of the given matrix
unflatten(IntMatrix1D) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.Utils
unflatten(IntMatrix1D, boolean) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.Utils
Units - Class in cern.clhep
High Energy Physics coherent system of Units.
universe_mean_density - Static variable in class cern.clhep.PhysicalConstants
unknown_N_compute_B_and_K(double, double, int) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.tdouble.quantile.DoubleQuantileFinderFactory
Computes the number of buffers and number of values per buffer such that quantiles can be determined with an approximation error no more than epsilon with a certain probability.
unknown_N_compute_B_and_K(float, float, int) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.tfloat.quantile.FloatQuantileFinderFactory
Computes the number of buffers and number of values per buffer such that quantiles can be determined with an approximation error no more than epsilon with a certain probability.
upperBandwidth(DoubleMatrix2D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.DoubleProperty
The upper bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum j-i for which A[i,j] is nonzero and j > i.
upperBandwidth(FloatMatrix2D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.FloatProperty
The upper bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum j-i for which A[i,j] is nonzero and j > i.
upperBandwidth(IntMatrix2D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tint.algo.IntProperty
The upper bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum j-i for which A[i,j] is nonzero and j > i.
upperBandwidth(LongMatrix2D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tlong.algo.LongProperty
The upper bandwidth of a square matrix A is the maximum j-i for which A[i,j] is nonzero and j > i.
upperEdge() - Method in interface hep.aida.tdouble.DoubleIAxis
Upper axis edge.
upperEdge() - Method in class hep.aida.tdouble.ref.DoubleFixedAxis
upperEdge() - Method in class hep.aida.tdouble.ref.DoubleVariableAxis
upperEdge() - Method in interface hep.aida.tfloat.FloatIAxis
Upper axis edge.
upperEdge() - Method in class hep.aida.tfloat.ref.FloatFixedAxis
upperEdge() - Method in class hep.aida.tfloat.ref.FloatVariableAxis
util - Static variable in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.Utils
Utils - Class in cern.jet.stat
Holds some utility methods shared by different quantile finding implementations.
Utils - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.utils
Utility class for translating Octave/Numpy code to Colt.
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Parallel Colt 0.10.1

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