- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tdouble.DoubleIHistogram1D
Returns the X Axis.
- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tdouble.DoubleIHistogram2D
Return the X axis.
- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tdouble.DoubleIHistogram3D
Return the X axis.
- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tfloat.FloatIHistogram1D
Returns the X Axis.
- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tfloat.FloatIHistogram2D
Return the X axis.
- xAxis() - Method in interface hep.aida.tfloat.FloatIHistogram3D
Return the X axis.
- xminimum() - Method in class cern.colt.list.tlong.MinMaxNumberList
- xmultOuter(DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.DenseDoubleAlgebra
Outer product of two vectors; Returns a matrix with
A[i,j] = x[i] * y[j].
- xmultOuter(FloatMatrix1D, FloatMatrix1D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.DenseFloatAlgebra
Outer product of two vectors; Returns a matrix with
A[i,j] = x[i] * y[j].
- xor(BitMatrix) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tbit.BitMatrix
Performs a logical XOR of the receiver with another bit matrix.
- xor(BitVector) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tbit.BitVector
Performs a logical XOR of the receiver with another bit vector (A
= A ^ B).
- xor - Static variable in class cern.jet.math.tint.IntFunctions
Function that returns a ^ b.
- xor(int) - Static method in class cern.jet.math.tint.IntFunctions
Constructs a function that returns a | b.
- xor - Static variable in class cern.jet.math.tlong.LongFunctions
Function that returns a ^ b.
- xor(long) - Static method in class cern.jet.math.tlong.LongFunctions
Constructs a function that returns a | b.
- xpowSlow(DoubleMatrix2D, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.algo.DenseDoubleAlgebra
Linear algebraic matrix power;
B = Ak <==> B = A*A*...*A.
- xpowSlow(FloatMatrix2D, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.tfloat.algo.DenseFloatAlgebra
Linear algebraic matrix power;
B = Ak <==> B = A*A*...*A.