Example: 'Find (modular) link capacities and traffic routing which minimizes the total link cost'

Brief description

Given a network topology, and the offered traffic, this algorithm obtains the traffic routing and the (modular) capacities in the links that minimizes the link costs. The capacity of a link is constrained to be the aggregation of integer multiples of modules of capacities {0.15, 0.6, 2.4, 9.6} Gbps, and prices {1, 2, 4, 8} monetary units. Link utilization is limited by the user-defined parameter rhoMax

Algorithm description table

Algorithm inputs

Requires a topology (nodes and links) and a demand set within the netPlan object.

Algorithm parameters:

  • rhoMax: Maximum utilization allowed in the links. Default: 0.5
  • solverName: The solver name to be used by JOM. Default: "glpk"
  • solverLibraryName: The solver library full or relative path, to be used by JOM. Leave blank to use JOM default. Default: blank
Algorithm outputsLink capacities and traffic routing updated within the netPlan object.
Required librariesJOM library for solving the optimization problem
KeywordsCapacity assignment (CA), Flow assignment (FA), JOM, MILP formulation
AuthorsPablo Pavón Mariño, José Luis Izquierdo Zaragoza
DateMarch 2013

Detailed description

The algorithm solves the following formulation:


  • \( G(N,E) \): The network topology, where \( N \) is the set of nodes, and \( E \) the set of unidirectional network links. For each link \( e \in E \), \( a(e) \) and \( b(e) \) denote its input and output nodes.
  • \( D \): The set of demands comprising the offered traffic. For each demand \( d \in D \), \( h_d \) is the demand volume, and \( a(d) \) and \( b(d) \) denote the input and output node of the demand.
  • \( \rho_{max} \): Maximum utilization allowed in the links.
  • \( I \): The set of capacity modules allowed demands comprising the offered traffic. For each capacity module \( i \in D \), \( u_i \) is the capacity value (in Erlangs), and \( p_i \) denote the cost of installing that capacity.


  • \( x_{de} , d \in D, e \in E \): Fraction \( \in [ 0 , 1 ] \) of the traffic of demand \( d \) that traverses link \( e \).
  • \( n_{ei} , e \in E, i \in I \): Equal to 1 if capacity module \( i \) is installed on link \( e \), otherwise it is equal to 0.

\( \text{minimize } \left( \sum_{e\in E}\sum_{i\in I}n_{ei}\cdot p_i \right) \text{ subject to: } \\
\sum_{e \in \delta^+(n)} x_{de} - \sum_{e \in \delta^-(n)} x_{de} = \begin{cases} 1, &\text{if $n = a(d)$} \\ -1, &\text{if $n = b(d)$} \\ 0, &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \quad \forall n \in N, d \in D \\ \sum_d h_d x_{de} \leq \rho_{max}\cdot u_i\cdot n_{ei} \quad \forall e \in E \\ 0 \leq x_{de} \leq 1 \quad \forall d \in D, e \in E \\ n_{ei} \in \lbrace 0 , 1 \rbrace \quad \forall e \in E \)