Example: 'Connection generator based on exponential interarrival and holding times'

Brief description

Connection generator in which connection requests from traffic demands arrive according to a Poisson process and are independent of each other

Algorithm description table

Algorithm inputs

This connection generator require two attributes from every demand. These attributes are: connectionSize, an integer value representing the amount of bandwidth (in Erlangs) requested for every new connection coming from that demand; holdingTime, average connection duration (in seconds). If these values are not provided, then default values will be used.

Algorithm parameters:

  • defaultConnectionSize: Default connection size (in Erlangs). Default: 1
  • defaultHoldingTime: Default average connection duration (in seconds). Default: 120
  • numConnectionsSimulation: Number of connections to finish the simulation (a negative or zero value means no limit). Default: -1
  • numConnectionsTransitory: Number of connections to finish the transitory (a negative or zero value means no transitory). Default: -1
  • randomSeed: Seed for the random generator (-1 means random). Default: -1
  • trafficLayerId: Layer containing traffic demands (-1 means default layer). Default: -1
  • simulationModel: Simulation model: 'longRun' (connections are established and released), 'incrementalModel' (connections are never released). Default: 'longRun'
Algorithm outputsNew connection requests
Required librariesNone
AuthorsPablo Pavón Mariño, José Luis Izquierdo Zaragoza
DateMarch 2013

Detailed description

Interarrival and holding times follow independent, random exponential distributions.

Average interarrival time is computed as follows:

\( IAT_{d} = \frac{s_{d}\cdot ht_{d}}{h_{d}} \),
where \( IAT_{d} \) is the average interarrival time for demand \( d \), \( s_d \) is the connection size for demand \( d \), \( ht_{d} \) is the average holding time for demand \( d \), and \( h_{d} \) is the average offered traffic for demand \( d \)