Examples involving 'Destination-based routing'

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An example related to a problem where the traffic routing is destination-based (i.e. like in IP)

Network design - Algorithms

Example nameDescription

Minimimize number of IP links so that traffic is carried using OSPF routing

Keywords: Capacity assignment (CA), Destination-based routing, Flow assignment (FA), Greedy heuristic, OSPF

This algorithm computes the number of IP links between two nodes, and the OSPF routing (with ECMP), so that all the traffic is carried, while all the links have an utilization not exceeding a given threshold (maximumUtilization). All IP links have the same given fixedOSPFWeight weight, and the same given fixedIPLinkCapacity capacity.


OSPF routing that minimizes the average congestion between (i) the congestion when no failure occurs in the network, (ii) the worse congestion ranging the cases when one single SRG is failed.

Keywords: Destination-based routing, Evolutionary algorithm (EA), Flow assignment (FA), OSPF, Restoration algorithm

This algorithm computes the OSPF routing that minimizes the average congestion between (i) the congestion when no failure occurs in the network, (ii) the worse congestion ranging the cases when one single SRG is failed. If no SRGs are defined, congestion in (i) is returned. An evolutionary algorithm is implemented. Each solution is coded as an array of as many elements as links, storing the OSPF weight in each link. Details on the particular form in which the evolutionary operators are implemented can be seen in the source code. The returning design includes the routes defined by the OSPF weights, and an attribute per link with its OSPF weight


Minimum average hop count routing, destination-based routing

Keywords: Destination-based routing, Flow assignment (FA), JOM, LP formulation

Given a network topology, the capacities in the links and the offered traffic, this algorithm obtains the destination-based traffic routing that minimizes the average number of hops. Destination-based routing means that the routing could be implemented i.e. in an IP network.